How to Apply Women’s Minoxidil


A Comparison of Techniques For Applying Women's Minoxidil

There seems to be different types of advice being given when applying women's Minoxidil so this post analyses each of these and presents you with the best overview answer for applying your Minoxidil.

We have also researched some of the frequently asked questions from women about applying their Minoxidil and put together the best answers available for you.

Let's being with a look at a video by Dr. Diane Hoss who is using Minoxidil for women as a foam.

Applying Minoxidil Foam (General Advice For Any Foam Brand)

Dr. Diane Hoss Shows You How Using Her Plate Method

  • First of all shake the canister well. Take the cap for a measuring aid and the recommended amount is half a cap full once a day but most women find that they need to use a cap full to cover most of the areas of thinning.
  • The solution can be applied either directly to the scalp, to the finger or to the hand or the preferred method of Dr Diane Hoss is to apply the required amount onto a plate (about a cap full).
  • It's helpful to have a comb to part the hair and expose the areas of thinning.
  • If you have help then you can ask your helper to apply the foam directly to the area of thinning at the top and back of your head.
  • An alternative is to use Dr. Diane Hoss's recommendation and take the foam directly from a plate using your finger and apply using a massage technique, the aim of this is to be able to apply the foam directly to the skin rather than onto the hair. The reason for using the plate method is because by the time you have taken it off the plate and started to apply it to your dry scalp the foam will already have been starting to turn into a liquid making it a bit easier to apply directly to the skin rather than getting it onto your hair.
  • She recommends you do this repeatedly by parting your hair at the areas of thinning and re-applying the massage technique to each new area.
  • The whole average time amount of time should take about 5 minutes.
  • It is recommended to do this once a day and can be done in the morning or at night - n.b. if you apply this at night you have to be aware that you may end up getting your pillow wet once you are in bed, if this happens then you may end up with it on your face and there is the chance that this could cause facial hair growth - be careful!

DON'T APPLY THE DAY BEFORE OR AFTER COLORING YOUR HAIR, this is not because something bad will happen it's just that the colors won't stick as well.

How To Apply 5% Minoxidil Liquid (General Advice For Any Liquid Brand)

  • The video above has been created by Carolyn Evans a Trichologist  based in Brisbane Australia and she demonstrates  how to apply 5% Minoxidil for Female hair loss and thinning of the hair caused by DHT (dehydrotestosterone).
  • She recommends 5% Minxoxidil which she says is "more than enough" for women. This is interesting because Minoxidil 5% is usually only for men when it purchased over the counter but we keep hearing time and time again of women saying they get better results with the 5% rather than the 2% solution.
  • The reason you should be applying to a dry scalp is to prevent the solution from being further diluted which would make the Minoxidil less effective.
  • Carolyn uses an eye dropper with a 1mm dosage in it and is using a solution rather than a foam as the first video shows.
  • She has previously pricked her hair using a micro needle to help make it more voluminous which makes your hair stand away from your scalp and therefore easier to apply the solution. She drips a small amount along the scalp and presses it in, this is a little different Dr. Hoss's method earlier of massaging the Minoxidil into the scalp. This is interesting as it is differing advice from the last video, Carolyn explains that she thinks massaging the solution in will rub it off. By using the micro needle she has created channels in her hair which makes applying the solution easier and there is no need to massage it in.
  • She recommends a two hour delay before getting your hair wet so this will give your scalp enough time to dry and for the Minoxidil to be absorbed without being washed away.

How To Apply Women’s ROGAINE® Foam

This next video is a Canadian video for Rogaine Minoxidil. It recommends that Rogaine be applied once in the morning and become a regular part of your morning routine such as brushing your teeth.

  • Once again it recommends that you apply the Minoxidil to dry (or towel dry) hair.
  • The first video from Dr. Hoss recommends you apply foam onto a plate, so does this video - and to apply about half a cap full.
  • Part your hair into channels to expose the areas of your hair that are thinning and begin with the more troublesome areas first.
  • You should be applying the foam directly to your scalp using a massaging circular motion and unlike our other video advice this time you are being advised to wash your hand well with soap and water after use, also to thoroughly wash the plate on which the foam was used on.
  • Consistency is the key according to Rogaine For Women and to use it once a day everyday for best results.

How To Apply REGAINE® Solution Minoxidil For Women

This next video is not for women but the steps are good so I will put it here for now:

  • This video is for REGAINE® Solution and is similar to the advice given on the other video guides. It begins by again insisting you apply the Minoxidil to only dry hair, this time recommending your hair either be blow dried or towel dried.
  • This time it is recommending that REGAINE® Solution be applied TWICE a day directly to the scalp using 1mm each time, which is a contradictory advice from some of the other videos.
  • Janssen recommend that either a dropper or spray applicator be used depending upon the type of hair loss experienced.
  • It recommends that the dropper applicator be used for specific areas of the scalp and the spray be used for larger areas of hair loss and to use SIX SPRAYS each time it is used.
  • Unlike other video's this advice now recommends that you leave the Minoxidil on your scalp for FOUR HOURS as a minimum.
  • Wash your hands after application. This video is recommending you use REGAINE® Solution at night.
  • It further goes to explain (unlike the other videos) that hair loss will actually increase initially and your hair will become soft and downy but this will stop and your hair become the same as your ordinary hair type.
  • If you are to use any other type of product for hair care such as a hair dye then you must make sure that your hair is completely dry from usage of the REGAINE® Solution before using it.
  • Don't excercise for a minimum of 2 hours as sweat can remove the medicine.
  • Don't allow the REGAINE® Solution to drip on any other body part including your forehead.

Summary & Conclusion

These are just four videos we have shown you because they cover the more well known brands of Minoxidil for women but also two videos that are more generic so you can see the difference and the similarities. Here is an overview of the general advice on the application of Minoxidil for women:

  • Over the counter minoxidil for women usually is sold as a 2% strength but this does not show as good as results as the 5% and so more and more women are using the 5% product.
  • Minoxidil for women is sold either as a foam or as a liquid, they are the same thing but applying each varies slightly differently.
  • Minoxidil foam is best applied to a plate before putting it on your hair and you should use about half a cap full.
  • Minoxidil liquid is applied either as a dropper or spray depending upon your type of hair loss. All of these videos show women using the dropper method and using about 1mm per application.
  • There is a contradictory information regarding whether you should be applying the treatment once or twice a day but you should be bear in mind that the longer you leave it in your hair the more effective it should be.
  • If you apply the treatment at night there is the risk that it will wet your pillow and rub off on to your face, this potentially could cause you to grow on your face or other parts of the body that come in to contact with the solution.
  • The same applies during the application - if you get some on any part of your body (including your forehead) this area could being to grow hair on it. To prevent this it is recommended that you apply the Minoxidil in a controlled manner.
  • Wet hair will dilute the product so you need to make sure your hair is completely dry either by towel or hair dryer before usage. The same is true if you are exercising this has the potential to make you sweaty and therefore diluting the product making it less effective.
  • Part your hair before using your product and expose your scalp into channels that you can put the Minoxidil straight on to.
  • If you are using foam then you should apply half a cap full onto a non porous plate before using it. Dip your finger tips into the foam and either massage or rub it into the exposed channels of your scalp, applying it directly to your scalp rather than the hair. The foam should be become slightly liquidated when moving it from the plate to the head making it easier not to get it into your hair.
  • Minoxidil liquid is best used from a dropper. You should again separate your hair into channels so your scalp is exposed and apply the solution in small amounts along the exposed scalp again by rubbing it or massaging it into your scalp and not your hair. Some people recommend simply patting it into the scalp as rubbing / massaging can wipe the product off your head.
  • Don't use any other products such as hair dye or shampoos until your hair is completely dry again and the longer you can leave the product on your head the more effective it will be - just be aware of leaving it on and what  you do next i.e. sleeping on a pillow, exercising or showering.
  • Continual use is best recommended and you should make it a part of your morning routine to get the best results, so after your shower, brush your teeth etc do it then. It takes around 5 minutes of your time so you should factor this in.

People Also Ask

Are there any side effects to womens minoxidil?

Some people report that their head is itchy after using it but this doesn't affect everybody.

How long does minoxidil for women take to work?

Using minoxidil to regrow your hair is a marathon and not a sprint. You need to keep on using it for at least 6 months (on average) before seeing good results.

What is minoxidil for women?

There is no difference in the minoxidil products for men and women except that the product for women is usually a 2% solution and weaker. Even though this is the case most women are reporting better results from the 5% product and are using that instead.

What's the difference between minoxidil foam and liquid?

Nothing except the consistency, obviously foam is "foamy" and liquid is runny. The main difference is the way it is applied because foam is applied from a plate and using your finger tips and minoxidil liquid is applied using a dropper.

Can minoxidil make you lose your hair?

Your hair has a natural replacement cycle and the regrowth phase is called the anagen phase. Once in this phase dead hair follicle simply do not become stimulated. It is thought that the reason for this is because there is the presence of a chemical called DHT preventing the follicle from performing it's duty. Minoxidil is thought to remove this DHT and allows the hair to naturally regrow again. It is for this reason that people experience hair loss when they start to use minoxidil - it is a good thing!

Do I have to use minoxidil forever?

In most cases no you can stop after using it for between 6 and 12 months, obviously if there is an underlying cause of your hair loss then this will impact upon how effective the treatment is because if you stop using it and the underlying cause is not addressed then your hair would naturally stop growing again, in that instance just keep using it but in most cases you can stop.

Does minoxidil actually work and is it medically approved?

Minoxidil is the only FDA approved product on the public market that will allow you to regrow your hair. Please see for our blog post about is Kirkland minoxidil FDA approved?

Will there ever be a cure for baldness?

We've answered this question in more detail here in our post Will there ever be a cure for baldness but the short answer is yes.

How long should I wait before washing my hair after using minoxidil?

4 hours is the recommended time and you should not use a hair dryer to do it because you will face the possibility of blowing the solution off your scalp making it less effective.